Fictional American countries

This is a list of fictional countries supposedly located in North, Central, or South America.



Central America

"Latin America"

North America

  • Allied States of America: A country in the television series Jericho that forms after nuclear weapons are detonated in many of the United States' major cities. It's capital is Cheyenne, Wyoming, and it controls all of the states west of the Mississippi River, with the exception of Texas.
  • United States of America: A country in the television series Jericho. It is only a fictional country because it only rules over the states east of the Mississippi River. It's capital is Columbus, Ohio.
  • Republic of Texas: A country that was formerly the state of Texas, but has the same borders. It's capital is San Antonio because Dallas and Houston were destroyed.

South America


  1. ^ Siembieda, K.; Bellaire, C.; Therrien, S.; Ward, T. & Wujcik, E. (August 2005). Rifts Role-Playing Game, Ultimate Edition. Taylor, MI: Palladium Books. pp. 24–31. ISBN 1-57457-150-9. 

Fictional countries
General list | Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe | Islands | Other